Can Employees Trust Your Promises?

Your employees’ trust in you diminishes every time you make a “pretend commitment.” That’s when you say “yes” but you really mean “maybe.” Are you guilty of making pretend commitments? Follow this action plan to rebuild your team’s trust in you: 

  • Make a list of any pretend or “soft” commitments you’ve made. Be honest with yourself and include as many items as appropriate.
  • Select one to concentrate on. Choose an important commitment that people may be counting on.
  • Ask questions. Why did you make this commitment? How did you justify it to yourself? Be as truthful and thorough as you can.
  • Look at your other pretend commitments. Did you use the same justification or rationalization for making them? What has happened as a result of your soft commitments? This might include productivity problems, interpersonal issues, team performance, and more.
  • What can you do to resolve the situation? Maybe you could delegate the commitment to a willing volunteer. Or perhaps you can come up with the will power to commit yourself fully.
  • Think about communication. Whatever you do, you’ll have to communicate it to your team. Think of the words you’ll use and how they might affect your people.
  • Make a new list. On this list, detail your commitments and how you plan to resolve them. Give yourself a deadline for dealing with each one. Then go out and do it.












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